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Mainstream Medicine And Alternative Medicine

Mainstream Medicine And Alternative Medicine

The difference between mainstream medicine and alternative medicine seems to be more and more visible these days.

The first reaction in general, in the face of any health problem, is to consult a doctor.

Alternative medicine, however, offers alternative approaches to treating common medical problems. This form of treatment goes far beyond taking medication.

Patients who prefer alternative remedies do so for two important reasons. First, they consider that drug use can undoubtedly lead to harmful consequences, including addictions and side effects. The second is the need to find better methods of healing.

Alternative medicine has always proposed Treatments beyond the conventional

These remedies encompass many specific treatments including color therapy, meditation, herbal or vitamin treatments, dietary remedies and many more.

Mainstream Medicine And Alternative Medicine
Mainstream Medicine And Alternative Medicine

The treatment takes a broader view of the patient that encompasses a combination of elements in addition to the treatment of disease. Life well lived, happy, healthy and with purpose. This is a difference between mainstream medicine and alternative medicine.

In general, when a person falls ill, he immediately calls his doctor and follows the associated medical treatment to regain his health.
But, other healing techniques also exist and are becoming increasingly popular.

“Conventional” remedies include, but are not limited to, all prescription drugs, surgeries, and medical tests. Most doctors use conventional drugs in their practice, so during the consultation, the doctor recommends that you follow the conventional prescriptions.

Alternative treatments consist of herbal remedies, nutrition, massage, meditation, acupuncture and others.
Indeed, the patient and the doctor together should choose to resort to each treatment. An exchange in the type of care is sometimes enough to live better.
Patients often end up turning to other forms of treatment when medical strategies prove ineffective or when a clinical situation is deemed incurable. Alternative care not only relieves pain, but also reduces tension and anxiety that can make persistent pain worse.
Alternative medicine treats the whole person without dissociating body and soul. Conventional techniques target the particular bodily problem.
Alternative techniques have proven to be efficient when the motivated patient believes in their treatment.

Of course, any serious and life-threatening clinical case must combine traditional and alternative techniques for a holistic approach. We recommend that you always seek advice from your doctor to avoid complications. If the care is well organized, you can benefit from the 2 types of care to live healthily and comfortably.

History and theory of alternative medicine

In the early days of medicine, all remedies were “alternative”. Before contemporary scientific discoveries, healers considered the general condition of their patients, their emotional, physical and spiritual state, before treating them.

The difference between mainstream medicine and alternative medicine lies in the 2 therapeutic approaches. The alternative remedy does not seek immediate therapy for the specific physical problem, but rather a solution that will restore the patient as a whole and over time.

Formerly, two kinds of healers coexisted in Europe; Traditional healers who used old and proven techniques and expert doctors. Sick people who couldn’t afford professional doctors turned to traditional healers and it worked. In North America, healers quickly tapped into philosophy and religion to offer holistic treatments.

Traditional medicine focuses more on the use of drugs and surgeries to treat ailments and diseases. It is based on a more scientific approach to treatments. Treatments usually focus on a specific part of the body and the conditions affecting it. Alternative medicine focuses more on the body as a whole.

Conventional medicine has developed since the days of healers. Many GPs offer different types of holistic treatments as part of the health plan.
Alternative treatments are still applied and recognized today, it is simply because they have good results.

Conventional medicine vs Alternative medicine

Some doctors try to discredit natural therapists: naturopaths, herbalists, nutritionists, homeopaths or others. They claim that alternative medicine is not serious.

However, the vast majority of patients who use natural medicine testify to the benefits of this approach.

These practitioners are “therapists” in the primary sense of the term: The one who awakens the patient to natural balances, to nutrition, to personal development, to his self-healing forces.

Mainstream Medicine And Alternative Medicine
Mainstream Medicine

Those who want to impose a chemical medicine: drugs and vaccines, whose side effects are uncertain, uncontrollable, identical protocols for all patients call into question the therapeutic virtues of plants, nutrition, the benefits of nature.

Natural therapists adapt “care” as an art of healing. It must be adapted to everyone, and use the best of each treatment.
Alternative medicine is complementary, humanistic and global.

Everyone should be able to choose the path that suits them and combine the 2 approaches for their best care.
It is also advisable to be careful and vigilant in your choice of therapy. Some so-called treatments can also turn out to be deceptions…
That’s the reason why we recommend to always seek the advice of your doctor before.
Every therapist should abide by the hypocratic oath.

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